Sustainable mycelium foam solutions

disrupting conventional Styrofoam packaging.

Cheap, overengineered and ubiquitous

Crude oil product with high price variability and carbon footprint**

15M tons per year produced worldwide***

~500 years to degrade, harmful processing for environment/humans

The B2B market uses ~80% of it ***

Direct cause for climate change, forbidden by 2030**

Opaque recycling rates and practices

Cheap, overengineered and ubiquitous

Crude oil product with high price variability and carbon footprint**

15M tons per year produced worldwide***

~500 years to degrade, harmful processing for environment/humans

The B2B market uses ~80% of it ***

Direct cause for climate change, forbidden by 2030**

Opaque recycling rates and practices

Styrofoam as Packaging Material

The Goals

The Solution

Mycelium composite packaging – We use mycelium composites as a new sustainable packaging to replace single use plastic and polystyrene.

Mycelium Bio-composites

Packaging Solutions

B2B Logistics

Mycelium Bio-composites

Packaging Solutions

B2B Logistics

What is our product?

Soil Remediation
Packaging is ‘invested’ as fertilizer in certified soil remediation carbon schemes

Conquering B2B Segments

High-tech / Low-Volume SME’s

Renewable Energy Schemes

Material Recycling Programs

Accounted Energy and Carbon Footprint

TAM: Total Available Market, SAM: Serviceable Available Market, SOM: Serviceable Obtainable Market

Unique, Organic, Industrial.


Adaptability and Versatility of Materials

Industrial Technology-Oriented

Eco-solution for key economic segments

Adaptability and Versatility of Materials

Adaptability and Versatility of MaterialsIncreasing Up-cycling of Bio-composites

Industrial Technology-Oriented

Worry-free product for Industrial Processes

Eco-solution for key economic segments

Expandable to other markets


Adaptability and Versatility of MaterialsIncreasing Up-cycling of Bio-composites

Worry-free product for Industrial Processes

Expandable to other markets

Social Involvement

We are a Project supported by the Zentrum für Austausch und Machen. Our project is supported by the Post-Corona Stadt initiative from the city of Erlangen and supported by other national programs.

copyright Dargaud Benelux

In collaboration with Wauter Mannaert, and ZAM we created a comic (in German only) explaining the importance of the mycelium as a future material. Available for download. The comic was presented in the Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften 2022.

Founding Spores

An International team with complementary skillsets

Ruben Casillas-Pacheco
(Ph.D. Physics - Chemistry)

Luis Veloso

Jonas Hahn
(Ph.D. Biology)

Valentina Miguez-Pacheco

Advisory Board

Prof. Dr. Helen

Dr. Ryan Crisp

Nit Kalakonda

Our supporters and our social engagement

Mycoblog and News
Contact Information & Founding logos

*UN sustainable development goals:

**EUR-Lex – 52018DC0028

 ***Mordor Intelligence Report 2021

 ***Mordor Intelligence Report 2021


Fungarium e.V. , Ulmenweg 3, 91054 Erlangen
Vereinsregister des Amtsgerichts Fürth
Nummer des Vereins: VR 201434 (26.04.2022)
Tel: +49 0151-47389498

Stellvertreter: Dr. Casillas Pacheco, Ruben Alfonso /
Vorsitzender: Dr. Hahn, Jonas  /