Sustainable mycelium foam solutions
disrupting conventional Styrofoam packaging.
Cheap, overengineered and ubiquitous
Crude oil product with high price variability and carbon footprint**
15M tons per year produced worldwide***
~500 years to degrade, harmful processing for environment/humans
The B2B market uses ~80% of it ***
Direct cause for climate change, forbidden by 2030**
Opaque recycling rates and practices
Cheap, overengineered and ubiquitous
Crude oil product with high price variability and carbon footprint**
15M tons per year produced worldwide***
~500 years to degrade, harmful processing for environment/humans
The B2B market uses ~80% of it ***
Direct cause for climate change, forbidden by 2030**
Opaque recycling rates and practices
Styrofoam as Packaging Material
The Goals
- Curb Soil Desertification
- Increase N2 Soil Content
- Enhance Mineral Absorption
- Enhancing Top Soil Carbon Stocks
- Scalable, Industrialized process*
- Plug-In Material
- Soil Organic Carbon Investment scheme
- Local, Electric-powered Logistics
- Industry 4.0
- Global Standard Certified
- AI-Supported
- Local, Electric-powered Logistics
The Solution
Mycelium composite packaging – We use mycelium composites as a new sustainable packaging to replace single use plastic and polystyrene.
Mycelium Bio-composites
Packaging Solutions
B2B Logistics
- Organic
- High N2 content
- Non-Toxic
- Minor energy input
- Lightweight
- Impact Absorber
- Flame Retardant
- Customizable properties
Mycelium Bio-composites
Packaging Solutions
B2B Logistics
- Organic
- High N2 content
- Non-Toxic
- Minor energy input
- Lightweight
- Impact Absorber
- Flame Retardant
- Customizable properties
What is our product?
Soil Remediation
Packaging is ‘invested’ as fertilizer in certified soil remediation carbon schemes
- Regional Repurposing
- Local, Electric-powered Logistics
- Long-term partnerships and schemes
- Supporting revenue income
- Product End-of-Life is circular
Conquering B2B Segments
High-tech / Low-Volume SME’s
Renewable Energy Schemes
Material Recycling Programs
Accounted Energy and Carbon Footprint
TAM: Total Available Market, SAM: Serviceable Available Market, SOM: Serviceable Obtainable Market
Unique, Organic, Industrial.
Adaptability and Versatility of Materials
Industrial Technology-Oriented
Eco-solution for key economic segments
Adaptability and Versatility of Materials
Adaptability and Versatility of MaterialsIncreasing Up-cycling of Bio-composites
Industrial Technology-Oriented
Worry-free product for Industrial Processes
Eco-solution for key economic segments
Expandable to other markets
Adaptability and Versatility of MaterialsIncreasing Up-cycling of Bio-composites
Worry-free product for Industrial Processes
Expandable to other markets
Social Involvement
In collaboration with Wauter Mannaert, and ZAM we created a comic (in German only) explaining the importance of the mycelium as a future material. Available for download. The comic was presented in the Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften 2022.
Founding Spores
An International team with complementary skillsets
Our supporters and our social engagement
Mycoblog and News
Contact Information & Founding logos
Vereinsregister des Amtsgerichts Fürth
Nummer des Vereins: VR 201434 (26.04.2022)
Tel: +49 0151-47389498
Stellvertreter: Dr. Casillas Pacheco, Ruben Alfonso /
Vorsitzender: Dr. Hahn, Jonas /